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Страно 7200 по времени новее, чем 7225.

#167325   | 02.06.09 03:03
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Страно 7200 по времени новее, чем 7225.

Также как и 7100 новее 7106 = )

#167329   | 02.06.09 04:58
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Drop 5 ругается

Drop 4 запускается, но без тачскрина можно работать только с Collage и Globe:

Поблагодарили: netRunner

#167348   | 02.06.09 11:01
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Lico, на тру кто-то слил

#167349   | 02.06.09 11:08
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Знакомый просит чтобы я ему поставил win7 на celeron 3ghz, рам 512 MB, видео Gf 5*00, только хотелось бы узнать будет ли win 7 нормально на нем работать? или все таки на таком компе лучше оставить XP?

#167352   | 02.06.09 12:41
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работать то будет, но не помешало бы еще хотя бы 512 М добавить оперативы...

#167353   | 02.06.09 12:52
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SGH Aero только отключите и все будет оке доке даже 512 оперативы хватит для более менее нормальной работы... но как уже сказал mex, еще 512 и можно с Aero работать на ура

#167355   | 02.06.09 13:09
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Before I say anything else, I will say that this informtion is based on an internal document from a close Microsoft Partner. This date has been consistent for 2 months. Of course, if there are any sort of show stoppers, this date is subject to change, and we will be sure to nofity you if there are any changes.

June 30th will be the date the code for windows 7 will be signed off and released to manufacturing. This news comes from one of Microsoft's very close partners and we here at Win7Vista are the first to provide it to you. Attached below is a graphic direct from this partner (with some modifications so we don't reveal the source, as this is obviously very confidential information). This graphic also reveals that Windows 7 will enter a code frozen RTM escrow on June 7th.

You may notice it lists the RC date as April 23. This is in fact the day the code for RC was signed off, 2 days later than it was built. We have no way of telling you the exact date the RTM willl be built, but we expect it to be 1-2 days before the sign off date of June 30. This date comes as no surprise as Microsoft tends to have a habit of signing off RTMs on the last day of the month.

Here at Win7Vista we will do our best to be the first to provide you the RTM as soon as we have our hands on it.

Changes to build 7127
-new memtest for x86 and x64
-changes to migration tools/functions
-changes to hardware compatibility functions
-install.wim changed from 2.115GB to 2.229GB (x86) / 2.772GB to 2.969GB (x64) [most likely drivers added along with changes to system ident/test tools]
-changes to restore functions (rollback.exe and others)
-a few .dll's are now gone
-testplugin.dll added
-changes to system rating score
-lots of little changes but nothing groundbreaking. Most of the changes look to be all about compatibility and adding new products to win7 support (i.e. new laptops that are about to be released that are not on the market yet)

Changes to RC Build 7100
1. ALT + TAB task switching now includes Aero Peek
2. More Taskbar keyboard shortcuts that allow you to access a specific programs jump list or flip through the grouped window.
3. Taskbar items that need your attention now have a new animation and flash 7 times instead of just 3.
4. Taskbar drag and drop open with functionality. Just hold down Shift while dropping and a file will open with that program.
5. Improved Taskbar scaling to fit more icons on the Taskbar.
6. Icon hovering now stays lit when you look at window previews so you know what app the thumbnail previews belong to.
7. When a new program is installed it temporarily shows up on the bottom of the Start Menu so you can easily find it.
8. Jump List length has been reduced to 10 items.
9. Pin any type of file to any programs jump list. E.g. pin a HTML file to Notepad.
10. New option to hide desktop icons or desktop gadgets instead of hide all desktop items.
11. Aero Peek now support touch.
12. On screen keyboard now supports multi-touch. Now you can hold shift and type a letter like a real keyboard.
13. Multi-touch right click. Use two fingers instead of one with a delay.
14. Multi-touch drag & drop and text selection support.
15. Network icon in system tray will now show if you have internet activity like Vista did.
16. The popular User Account Control design changes that require a UAC prompt to change any UAC settings.
17. Lock a machine without using a screen saver.
18. Reduced number of clicks to get to high performance power plan.
19. Slight tweaks to the Theme selection screen.
20. Improved internet radio feedback in WMP.
21. Improved playback support for various codecs including Quicktime movies in WMP.
22. Cleaner now playing view in WMP.
23. Content filtering of unplayable content in WMP.
24. Content will resume playing in WMP for all types of media when you resume for Hibernate or Sleep.
25. No more WMP sync relationship nagging.
26. Easier access to advanced settings such as the equalizer and play speed in WMP.
27. Improved WMP jump list.
28. Expanded Device Stage support in explorer.
29. Improved headphone experience.
30. Improved audio driver support.
31. Improved header text in Windows Explorer when looking at Libraries.
32. Tweaked the way new Libraries are added to Explorer.
33. Windows Key + E now opens explorer to the Computer view instead of the Libraries view.
34. FAT32 file system support for Libraries.
35. Improved file views in Windows Explorer.
36. A number of performance improvements. One highlighted is improved Start Menu open times.

Информация не проверенная, или неточная...

#167382   | 02.06.09 19:03
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30 июня? финальная дата? юхууу!
теперь мне тоже кажется что ртм будет 7300

#167383   | 02.06.09 19:09
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Из: Russia tomsk
Род занятий: student

итого кроме нового таскбара или как его там, ничего нового?гордо однако я ожидал большего, производительность не блещет та же виста!

#167387   | 02.06.09 19:32
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#167389   | 02.06.09 19:36
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Род занятий: TheVista

netRunner, этот же список (7200) всплывал на неовине с китайского сайта. Полная ерунда.

#167392   | 02.06.09 19:39
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Из: Russia tomsk
Род занятий: student

да статьи статьями, а вот мне как пользователю обычного пк всякие мультитач итд ну никогда не пригодятся, я имею ввиду, что на ПК виста или вин 7 реальных отличий только в новой панели задач и всё, больше я к сожалению не заметил...что сильно огорчает.

Поблагодарили: keygena

#167398   | 02.06.09 20:07
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30 июня RTM ? Недумаю... слишком рано, надо еще баги убирать... :;)

#167399   | 02.06.09 20:10
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Род занятий: Студент

etc., в плане юзабилити Windows 7 гораздо лучше. я, например, не могу представить свою работу без Aero Peek и Aero Snap. эти функции в разы облегчают перемещение между окнами.

#167403   | 02.06.09 20:20
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